Seasonic SS-500ET 80 Plus 500w Power Supply
80 PLUS power supplies make better use of energy, so they run cooler and more reliably. 80 PLUS power supplies are 20% more efficient than standard supplies ?they are 80% efficient at 20%, 50% and 100% utilization.80 PLUS power supplies:
Increase computer system reliability by 40%
Lower stress on semiconductor components in the power supply
Achieve energy savings of $25 - $30 over the life of desktop computers and $100
over the life of servers
Minimize need for noisy fans, creating a quieter environment
Reduce a room’s cooling load, increasing comfort and saving money
Allow more computers on the same branch circuit
Run Cool, Run Reliably, Run with 80 PLUS
Dimension (WxLxH): 5.5 x 5.9 x 3.4 inch